Pistacia atlantica oil

Pistacia atlantica oil

Pistacia Atlantica Trees are of the same family as Pistachio Trees. It is a small, slow-growing and long-living deciduous tree with a native range from Iran to North Africa. known by the English common name Mt. Atlas mastic tree and as the Persian turpentine tree. In Iran it is called baneh. In the Canary Islands it is known as Almacigo, and in Arabic, it is called (buṭm or buṭum). In southern Iran, in Bandar-Abbas in Hormozgān Province it is called kasoudang and in Bushehr it is called kolkhong. In Turkey it is commonly known as melengiç. In Kurdish the tree is called darwan or daraban, and the seed is called qezwan.The fruit is a small red or green berry which is pressed to produce this unique oil. This oil is nearest to its constitution and taste to olive oil. 75% of its fats are unsaturated. The fruits are used in spices blends, added to coffee blends and sweets.

The oil extracted from the Pistacia Atlantica tree is a huge reservoir of omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids along with a high amount of vitamin E, ferulic acid, caffeic acid, sterols, polyphenols, and many other potent antioxidants. Some of the common beauty uses of this oil include skin, lip, scalp, foot, and hair care.